Robando Sonrisas non-profit organization, created in 2015 in Argentina and in 2020 in France, and registered under the number RNA W442025593 in France Legal notice - Contact us -FAQ - social networks

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In Argentina

Renovation of an abandoned stroller


Renovation of an abandoned stroller

The economic situation in Argentina is increasingly disastrous, and more and more families are reaching the extreme poverty line. Our association comes to their aid, but without financial contributions we cannot support them. 


Thank you for helping us to fight against socio-economic inequalities in the province of Rio Negro. Feel free to make a donation by filling out the HelloAsso form at the top right of the screen.


Have a great weekend!

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world


Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world

We try to give them a pencil so they can write their future.

Thank you to everyone who helps make this possible. 


If you want to support our efforts to fight inequality of opportunity, donate!

Let's celebrate Johan: the bike repairman from Mainqué!


Let's celebrate Johan: the bike repairman from Mainqué!

Mainqué is an Argentinean town in the north of the province of Río Negro, in the department of General Roca, in the Argentinean Patagonia, 10 minutes by car from Ingeniero Huergo, the home of our Argentinean team.


This is where Johan, the little bike repairman, lives with his family. Why Johan? Well, every week, this little boy repairs bikes, but he can't afford one!


So the Stealing Smiles team went there to deliver bikes to him and each of his brothers and sisters.


Everyone who struggles deserves their reward!


Thanks to his mother Cintia Natalia Cea for having us.


Thanks to Patricia Gonzalez for donating the bike and thanks to Hugo Paulete of Bicicleteria Paulete, who graciously agreed to let us use his shop.


Together, we continue Stealing Smiles!

Robando Sonrisas prepares for back-to-school thanks to your donations!


Robando Sonrisas prepares for back-to-school thanks to your donations!

Following our latest donation campaign, our team was able to carry out a number of solidarity actions in December. None of this would be possible without your generosity. Every donation counts - there's no small amount! Your donation entitles you to a tax reduction, so all you have to do is pay via the form provided by the HelloAsso association: follow the tab at top right!

Our bike repair shop is fully stocked!


Our bike repair shop is fully stocked!

Following our last donation campaign, our team was able to carry out a number of solidarity actions in December. None of this would be possible without your generosity. Every donation counts - there's no small amount! Your donation entitles you to a tax reduction, so all you have to do is pay via the form provided by the HelloAsso association: follow the tab at top right!

Our team is preparing its next food distributions!


Our team is preparing its next food distributions!

Following our last donation campaign, our team was able to carry out a number of solidarity actions in December. None of this would be possible without your generosity. Every donation counts - there's no small amount! Your donation entitles you to a tax reduction, so all you have to do is pay via the form provided by the HelloAsso association: follow the tab at top right!

Robando Sonrisas association d’intérêt général à but non lucratif, créée en 2015 en Argentine et en 2020 en France, et enregistrée sous le numéro RNA W442025593 en France - 


Mentions légales & protection des données - Nous contacter - FAQ