Robando Sonrisas non-profit organization, created in 2015 in Argentina and in 2020 in France, and registered under the number RNA W442025593 in France Legal notice - Contact us -FAQ - social networks

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you support us?

As you already know, Robando Sonrisas is a non-profit organization that works to combat inequality of opportunities in the province of Río Negro, in the Argentine Patagonia.


The entire team is 100% volunteer and all our actions depend entirely on the donations we receive or collect during solidarity events.


Here are some ideas to help us:

  • Make a monthly donation of 2/5/10/20..... to the association so that we can continue our work on the ground.
  • Spread the word about us on social media
  • Tell your friends and family about us
  • If you are a journalist, get in touch with us to write an article about our actions
  • Join our team of volunteers, in France or Argentina, helping us in particular to :
    • maintain our various communication channels
    • organize or participate in association events to raise awareness of the association and collect donations
    • conduct donation campaigns


Do not hesitate to send us a message through the "contact us" page.

How can I make a donation?

To support us, just go to the page "I would like to make a donation". Just choose the amount and periodicity of your donation and enter your personal data. 

Your personal data are requested to manage donations and issue tax receipts, and are only used for this purpose.

Where are my donations going?

All donations are used to finance the association's activities in Argentina and France.

Approximately 95% goes to actions in the field and 5% to the association's operating expenses.


For information: 1 euro varies between 350 and 450 Argentine pesos. 


1 package of rice = $899 Argentine pesos
1 package of pasta = $677 pesos


Every donation counts, there is no small amount!


Robando Sonrisas association d’intérêt général à but non lucratif, créée en 2015 en Argentine et en 2020 en France, et enregistrée sous le numéro RNA W442025593 en France - 


Mentions légales & protection des données - Nous contacter - FAQ