Robando Sonrisas non-profit organization, created in 2015 in Argentina and in 2020 in France, and registered under the number RNA W442025593 in France Legal notice - Contact us -FAQ - social networks

Discover all the association's projects!


All our projects are not-for-profit and are made possible by various forms of donation. These include financial donations, furnished goods (tools, computers, chairs, tables, etc.), free services and the provision of volunteers.

Don't hesitate to support us!

For information: 1 euro varies between 350 and 450 Argentine pesos. 


1 package of rice = $899 Argentine pesos
1 package of pasta = $677 pesos


Every donation counts - there's no small amount!

Robando Sonrisas association d’intérêt général à but non lucratif, créée en 2015 en Argentine et en 2020 en France, et enregistrée sous le numéro RNA W442025593 en France - 


Mentions légales & protection des données - Nous contacter - FAQ